Saturday, November 7, 2020

We did it.

Me, you, your mothers and fathers, your sisters and brothers, your sons and daughters, even our ancestors who fought through blood, sweat and tears to achieve this moment … we all did it.

Early this morning – after a week of stress, uncertainty and frustration, which capped off 10 months of the same – the 2020 U.S. Presidential Elections was called for President-elect Joe Biden and Vice-president-elect Kamala Harris.

We did it.

For most of this year, we as Americans have dealt with the loss of so many great people who enlightened, entertained, educated, inspired and who gave us hope. Since March, we have dealt with a virus that the current administration has widely ignored and/or downplayed. Since April, most of the country has been required to quarantine, work remotely, wear a mask and social distance. In May, the world watched George Floyd lose his life by the hand of another … the straw that broke open wide the camel’s back of hate, systemic racism and injustice on all levels.

And for almost four years we’ve been pushed back into a closet, our voices were muted, the color of our skin, our sexual orientation, our religious/faith-based beliefs and our desires to finish building a union where everyone was truly treated equally was laughed at, looked down on and threatened. But no more.

We did it.

But there is oh so much more to do.


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