Thursday, September 24, 2020

Just do the right thing

I found this meme a couple months ago and like many who share my view of trump, I found it humorous. I was saving if for a #LateNiteFunny for this reason, but sadly it is no longer funny.

#ICYMI, the leader of the United States of America publicly said Wednesday, he "would not guarantee a peaceful transition of power should he lose, undermining a bedrock of American democracy." In fact, he
has said or implied the same several times since July.

What we see happening in the White House, in our communities, across the country ... none of it is funny anymore. And what we ALL need to do is forget partisan allegiances and really go deep inside and ask ourselves:

  1. If all labels and politics are stripped away, is this a man whose actions and views I really want to support?

  2. Is this a person I would want to work for, hang out with on the weekend or invite into my family's home?

  3. Do I really, truly understand that the comments, tweets, etc., he continues to share for all to see are racist, homophobic and filled with hate for people he doesn't even know personally (but I may) and go against what my God has taught me all my life?

Ladies and Gents ... we no longer have two political parties that may not agree, but who work together for A BETTER GOOD. What we have is one person who is being backed into a corner, is scared and has demonstrated a desire to "rule" not run this country under a democracy. And those two parties? There members are filled with so much fear for what they may lose in taking action versus what the country may lose if this continues.

Go ahead stick by your party, but when you vote, do the right thing. For the lives of our children, communities, country and world, just do the right thing. No one has to know unless you tell them.

No one has to know ... but God/Your Higher Power. And He/She/They is the ONLY one you have to answer to.




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